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case studies.

katie burden.


Cautionary Tail Records


34% Return Rate - 85 Press Links

This was Katie's debut LP, released with Cautionary Tail Records. With this album, we felt very strongly about the singles and were able to secure 8 PREMIERE'S for her tracks AND video releases. Katie, her label and WB all had a very similar focus, and when everything is in alignment magic can (and does!) happen. They completely trusted our insight and direction, which added to our huge return. We created a very compelling marketing angle for her and this was of benefit in many ways. Her material not only premiered on top-level outlets, but we secured 85 solid pieces of press for this release, including 2 print magazine articles - one in MAGNET and the other in The Big Takeover. For a new artist, this was a huge success all around.



All Music (Album Premiere)


Flaunt Magazine

All Things Go

Culture Collide

This Is The Latest


Key Coverage 


The Big Takeover (print and online)

Magnet Magazine (print and online)

Born Music

Buzzbands LA

Impose Magazine

Huffington Post

The 405

Dope Cause We Said

We also received 11 posts via HYPEM Blogs: High Clouds, Jonk Music, When The Horn Blows, The Record Stache, The Autumn Roses, GlamGlare, The Revue, Buzz Bands LA, All Things Go and 50 Third and 3rd - which expanded her exposure.

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